What Are The Components Of The Breathing Assessment Pals

What are the components of the breathing assessment PALS? This question is at the heart of this comprehensive guide, which delves into the intricacies of assessing a patient’s respiratory status. By exploring the components, importance, methods, interpretation, and documentation of the breathing assessment PALS, we aim to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to accurately evaluate and manage respiratory conditions.

The breathing assessment PALS is a crucial component of patient care, providing valuable insights into a patient’s respiratory function. It involves a systematic evaluation of various parameters, including respiratory rate, depth, effort, and breath sounds, to determine the patient’s respiratory status and identify any potential abnormalities.

Components of the Breathing Assessment PALS

What are the components of the breathing assessment pals

The breathing assessment PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) is a systematic approach to evaluating a child’s respiratory status. It consists of several components:

  • Inspection: Observing the child’s breathing pattern, chest wall movement, and skin color.
  • Palpation: Feeling the child’s chest wall for symmetry of movement and tenderness.
  • Percussion: Tapping the child’s chest wall to assess for areas of dullness or hyperresonance.
  • Auscultation: Listening to the child’s breath sounds with a stethoscope.

Importance of the Breathing Assessment PALS

What are the components of the breathing assessment pals

The breathing assessment PALS is an essential part of the pediatric assessment because it allows the healthcare provider to:

  • Assess the child’s respiratory status and identify any abnormalities.
  • Monitor the child’s response to treatment.
  • Make decisions about the need for further intervention.

Methods of the Breathing Assessment PALS

What are the components of the breathing assessment pals

The breathing assessment PALS can be performed using several methods:


Observe the child’s breathing pattern, chest wall movement, and skin color.*

-*Breathing pattern

Note the rate, depth, and rhythm of the child’s breathing.

  • -*Chest wall movement

    Observe the symmetry of the child’s chest wall movement.

  • -*Skin color

    Look for signs of cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin) or pallor (pale skin).

Palpation, What are the components of the breathing assessment pals

Feel the child’s chest wall for symmetry of movement and tenderness.*

-*Symmetry of movement

Place your hands on the child’s chest wall and feel for equal movement on both sides.


Gently palpate the child’s chest wall for any areas of tenderness.


Tap the child’s chest wall to assess for areas of dullness or hyperresonance.*


A dull sound indicates the presence of fluid or consolidation in the lungs.


A hyperresonant sound indicates the presence of air in the lungs.


Listen to the child’s breath sounds with a stethoscope.*

-*Normal breath sounds

Bronchial breath sounds are heard over the trachea and main bronchi. Vesicular breath sounds are heard over the rest of the lungs.

-*Abnormal breath sounds

Wheezes, crackles, and rhonchi may indicate respiratory distress.

Query Resolution: What Are The Components Of The Breathing Assessment Pals

What is the purpose of the breathing assessment PALS?

The breathing assessment PALS is used to assess a patient’s respiratory status, identify any potential abnormalities, and determine the need for further evaluation or treatment.

What are the key components of the breathing assessment PALS?

The key components of the breathing assessment PALS include respiratory rate, depth, effort, and breath sounds.

How is the breathing assessment PALS performed?

The breathing assessment PALS is performed by observing the patient’s respiratory rate, depth, effort, and breath sounds, and by listening to the patient’s chest with a stethoscope.

How is the breathing assessment PALS interpreted?

The breathing assessment PALS is interpreted by considering the patient’s respiratory rate, depth, effort, and breath sounds in relation to the patient’s age, sex, and medical history.

Why is it important to document the breathing assessment PALS?

It is important to document the breathing assessment PALS to track the patient’s respiratory status over time and to communicate the findings to other healthcare professionals involved in the patient’s care.